Thursday, April 25, 2019

Prepping for the Hurricane Season

Image result for getting prepared for hurricanes

It's no secret that storms are getting worse and storm seasons are coming earlier and earlier.  The Atlantic Hurricane Season, which is supposed to start June 1st, has started early for 4 years in a row now.  With the weather being as unpredictable as it is, it cant hurt to prepare!
Image result for non perishable food
Make sure you store up on enough water and non perishable food should anything happen, this includes water bottles, canned food, ramen, pretty much anything edible that doesn't require a fridge to keep safe for consumption.  You never know if you'll lose power for extended periods of time so you wont be able to rely on your cold foods in the event of an emergency.

Image result for assorted batteriesGet some back-up power supplies, batteries for flashlights, portable phone chargers, maybe even a gas powered generator if you can afford it! In the event of a power outage, you'll want to keep lightsources, radios, and phones powered so you can hear the news and see in the dark.  Additionally, pack some long lasting emergency candles and matches in the event your flashlights break or run out of power.

Make sure your house (or your loved in a hurricane area) is in a house built to stand up to the weather, and if the house has storm shudders.  If not, get some plywood slats to reinforce the windows, and learn the area's evacuation routes should you still need to find shelter!

Image result for hurricane evacuation signPay close attention to the weather reports, sometimes meteorologists are wrong in their initial predictions of the weather and will announce any changes as they happen.  The storm could get worse than initially predicted, and you may have to prepare to evacuate or hunker down and wait it out.

When in the storm, stay indoors at all times, and make sure the storm is gone if you notice the weather stop.  You could be in the eye of the storm and that means it will resume very soon as it passes over you. Once you are certain the storm has passed be wary of any debris outside, report any damaged power lines and avoid touching them at all costs.
Hurricane season will be starting soon, so everyone please be safe and plan accordingly!!

If you need further tips on how to prepare, visit to read more about what you can do during this weather!

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